Author Archives for Rita Bancroft

About Rita Bancroft

A regular features writer on Design Insider, Rita has a passion for interiors. Having worked at a senior level for international brands for over 30 years, today she runs Bancmarketing, her own independent marketing consultancy business she set up in 2011.

A New Era in Luxury Hotels

November 22, 2018 1:32 pm Published by Comments Off on A New Era in Luxury Hotels

The definition of a hotel is “an establishment providing accommodation, meals, and other services for travellers and tourists”. Building on... Read More >

10 years of Airbnb!

April 18, 2018 8:45 am Published by Comments Off on 10 years of Airbnb!

What has been its impact on the industry? It’s 10 years since Airbnb began, and whilst they weren’t the first... Read More >