Gallery: Sleep + Eat Event

Sleep + Eat is a conceptual playground for the hoteliers, restaurateurs and designers behind Europe’s leading hospitality projects.  Over two days, the show brings together hospitality leaders with Europe’s foremost designers, consultants, architects and emerging talent creating across hotels, restaurants and bars. The expertly curated exhibition sees leading brands showcase their products and concepts. A seminar programme tackles zeitgeisty topics on the future of design. And there’s plenty of chance to celebrate the industry’s collective, creative spirit.’


Sleep + Eat 2018 marked a change for one of our favourite shows.  After many years at the Business Design Center in Islington the event moved to Olympia, a venue we have visited several times already this year for events including the Independent Hotel Show.  Exhibitors excelled at creating design led stands with real impact and several exhibitors made the most of the opportunity to have increased wall height.  The stand construction was of an excellent standard which maintained the quality we have come to expect from Sleep.  The organisers appeared to struggle to maintain this high level of finish with the shell scheme they provided, we have been assured this will be remedied for 2019’s event.


Romo was selected by the BCFA as the winners of their Best Stand Award. Congratulations Romo!

The second change for this event was the name, we gained ‘+ Eat’ with the promise that ‘New for 2018, the Eat addition brings with it immersive café and club installations; a diverse talks programme and curated brands launching the latest high-end bar and restaurant furniture, fabrics, lighting and accessories.’  We enjoyed speaking the 3Stories about their Anticaff installation but finished the event with a hope to see how this addition can have greater impact on the event next year.

Sleep + Eat continues to be a key platform for brands, including BCFA members, to launch their new products.  This included Porto launched by Morgan and MyEdition by Hansgrohe and many more, you can read about all of the BCFA members who exhibited at Sleep + Eat here.  We were also thrilled to have time to speak with Peter Gomez from Zoffany about their upcoming designs and look forward to featuring the collection in our Sketch Series in the new year.


This year room sets were positioned alongside exhibitors, where in previous years they had benefited from the drama of being in a separate space, which had varied results.  We loved the room set designed by Constantina Tsoutsikou for HBA.  Consantina manages the creative direction of HBA London’s hospitality interior design projects, and collaborated with the Natural History Museum to create a wonderfully engaging space.  


Constantina Tsoutsikou’s design included work by BCFA member Timorous Beasties.


In this Gallery event review you can find images below which you can click on to enlarge and find details of the brand or designer. We hope you enjoy our event overview!

We would love to hear what you thought of Sleep + Eat 2018? What did we miss from our overview?



About Alys Bryan

Alys is a knowledgeable design editor who is focused on instigating conversations, both online and in-person, with industry experts which challenge, educate and advance the commercial interior sector. Her training and 15 years of professional experience as a furniture designer for the commercial sector makes her uniquely placed to lead Design Insider as Editor
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