As we spend this month focusing on glass and Milan it is a pleasure to announce that Monster Cabaret, accompanied by a burlesque show, has arrived in Milan courtesy of lighting and experience designers Lasvit.

Teatro Gerolamo, April 17 – 22  Come closer and hear a story you have never heard before. We are going to tell you about the monsters of glass and the monsters within us, about the hidden creatures that sleep in our heads waiting to be set free. They can frighten us at first, but they can also open up our minds. They remind us of our own limitations and inner fears. Beware of Monsters….they could be the very exit we so desperately need.


TOYBOYS by Fabio Novembre

Milan, April 2018 The cutting-edge Czech company Lasvit brings to the Milanese Teatro Gerolamo a show full of beasts, antiheroes, vicious genius minds, egos, outcasts, and fantastical creatures. All of them created out of glass, an outcome of a symphony of well-respected designers with the best bohemian artisans. Beside this premiering collection, visitors can admire Lasvit’s signature glass installation. At the stage of Gerolamo will dominate composition of 108 small Neverending Glory chandeliers, the admired and best selling collection of the company, and in the middle of the auditorium: The Independant, the First of Pendants Rising from the Floor.

“In the old days, there used to be pillars on the corners of the streets where you could learn what recently happened and what is going to happen. The Independant is a billboard of its time, its crystal screens delivering the crystal-clear truth. What you are going to believe is up to you,” says the Art Director of Lasvit, Maxim Velčovský.

A magnificently monstrous installation dwells in the center of the theatre’s auditorium. More than one hundred TV screens are strapped to its body and broadcast “their master’s voice.” Sometimes it’s just a whisper, while at other times it’s more of a translation machine that presents dire warnings in human tongues.

“It is an audiovisual labyrinth that features the most beautiful fake news that mankind has freely created and selected. It can bring the rain or the sun, it can flourish and it can burn. The most interesting monsters of our time can talk through its screens,” adds Velčovský.


THE LEFTISM by Maxim Velčovský

Unique glass artwork collection reflects the monstrosity of our time
The pack of monsters looks down at the Independant from the 3rd floor. This exceptional collection for the very first time sees the light of day in the history-drenched venue of the Milanese Teatro Gerolamo. This limelight, specifically built for measure for puppet shows, will, for a few days at least, become a safe haven for the Monsters.


BHSD by Maarten Baas

In their tangible glass form, the monsters have traveled from many corners of the world. Very renowned designers, such as Alessandro Mendini, the Campana Brothers, Yabu Pushelberg, Nendo, Fabio Novembre, Daniel Libeskind, Maarten Bass, Moritz Waldemayer, Maurizio Galante or Lasvit’s own art-director Maxim Velčovský, gave us a peek into their minds and revealed their personal monsters to us. The usage of Bohemian glass is symptomatic, because glass as a material is almost as eternal as monsters. Some of them exist also in the form of miniatures – the travel version – allowing you to pack a bit of monstrosity wherever life may take you.


OUTER SPACE MONSTERS by Campana Brothers

“This collection is truly exceptional, not only on account of the ideas behind it, but also in terms of the craftsmanship. Some of the designs are really challenging for the artisans and the most unique pieces are available only in limited editions,” explains Leon Jakimič, President and founder of Lasvit.


MORI MONSTERS by Moritz Waldemeyer

The Cabaret presentation underlines the artistic concept
Cabarets have always been places where writers, artists, poets, and musicians met. They are a melting pot of all kinds of different ideas and philosophies, of both joy and satire. One would be hard-pressed to find a better stage to present the collection of these glass-yet-living creatures with such strong stories embedded within them.


BHSD by Maarten Baas

The visitors of this show will be enchanted not only by the beauty of Lasvit’s finest selection of glassware and lighting collections , but also by the living glamour of burlesque dancers who will be performing their monstrous show. Every hour a new show begins on the stage of the Teatro Gerolamo. Together with the dancers, the Neverending Glory installation presents a dynamic lighting show.



Still not enough? Peek into the dark corners of the Teatro Gerolamo, and you might find more enchanting beauty just waiting to be discovered. Many of the company’s glassware and lighting collections will be displayed around the premises. Or take a rest in the tiny cinema where you can relax after your long journey through the theatre while watching the movie Breakpoint, which opens the secret vault of Lasvit’s founder, Leon Jakimič, for all to see.

Contact Lasvit.


About Alys Bryan

Alys is a knowledgeable design editor who is focused on instigating conversations, both online and in-person, with industry experts which challenge, educate and advance the commercial interior sector. Her training and 15 years of professional experience as a furniture designer for the commercial sector makes her uniquely placed to lead Design Insider as Editor
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